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  • Sustainability Role in overall company's strategic plans
    It is not enough for an enterprise to achieve management success by only paying attention to the behavior of managers and the relationship between managers. It is also necessary to study the relationship between managers and enterprise organizations, as well as the relationship between enterprise organizations and the social environment. It can be said that enterprises also need to liberate their minds and push the management team towards youthfulness, knowledge-based, and modernization. Only in this way can a strong management and decision-making team be ensured through the transition between old and new, the exchange of experience and science, and the combination of theory and practice, in order to ensure the stable development of the enterprise and further stability in the process of development.
    Sustainability initiatives
    With the strengthening of modern enterprise management concepts, many enterprises believe that investment in human resources development is more important than fixed assets investment, and competitive recruitment of scientific and technological talents and management talents has become the strategic policy of many enterprises. However, in traditional planning work, the main focus is still on fixed assets as the driving force for economic development. It is precisely because the trend of people-oriented development has gradually become prominent that recruitment, training, development, and labor compensation have become the basic content of human resources. And the understanding of talent is no longer limited to the talent concept of the era of "as long as there is a diploma, it is necessary to have excellent professional skills and innovative talents in practice.
    Pledges for the year
    Quality is the life of an enterprise, and it is the symbol of its quality. High quality reputation is not only a passport to the market, but also a powerful guarantee in price competition. So it is necessary to implement the quality policy throughout the entire production process and root the quality awareness in the thoughts of every employee in the enterprise. Only in this way can we ensure the production of high-quality products, and it is necessary to strengthen the inspection efforts of the quality supervision and inspection functional departments, and maintain a product quality spirit in after-sales service, so that customers can trust your product, trust your enterprise, and trust your spirit, achieving the goal of winning competition and obtaining long-term benefits.
    Social equity at your company
    Both social policy and social work focus on social fairness and care, and they share common principles and operate in accordance with the principle of welfare. Social fairness reflects an equal social relationship between people, including fairness in survival, property rights, and development. The pursuit of social fairness and justice has always been a fundamental goal and core value of socialism.
  • Sustainability Role in overall company's strategic plans
    Clean Energy, Zero Carbon Emissions. The production process uses clean energy from hydropower and does not use carbon substances such as coal and oil, so there is no carbon emission in the production
    Sustainability initiatives
    Advanced effluent treatment system, industrial. effluent/domestic sewage could be 95% recycled (about 5% water vapor loss in the pipeline), to achieve zero liquid discharge
    Pledges for the year
    Alkali Recovery. Alkali recovery device is equipped in the production process to realize alkali recovery and no pollution.
    Social equity at your company
    JPTE follow the international country labor and work with Better work ILO to address the social equity.
  • Sustainability Role in overall company's strategic plans
    We at Hirdaramani set our mind on Sustainability many years ago after watching “An Inconvenient Truth” in 2006. A board level decision was then taken that Sustainability would be major pillar of the Company and we’ve not looked back since. This was well before Sustainability became either a buzzword or a customer-driven requirement. Given the Company’s outstanding record on ethical performance, enlarging this to what has since become known as ESG was an easy adaptation. Along with this contemplation, we decided to invest in the World’s first ever custom-built green apparel manufacturing plant which we named after Earth in its local dialect as “Mihila”. Over the years we have been strongly committed to the UN SDGs and have implemented many facets in our production process to be aligned with sustainability initiatives. In 2021, we launched our most ambitious Sustainability Roadmap with a range of bold goals and targets set for the year 2025. A Group wide commitment, this strategy will be implemented across all facilities in Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Vietnam, and Ethiopia as we move forward in a consolidated effort to improve the positive impact we have on the world. With transparent reporting and a commitment to global standards and guidelines, we are holding ourselves accountable to achieving this ambitious vision.
    Sustainability initiatives
    We aligned our sustainability initiatives under four pillars when we set forth with our Road Map to Sustainability “Future First”. There are four key pillars in which we have and continue to demonstrate our sustainability initiatives. 1. Conserve the Environment - reducing the impact we have on the planet 2. Empower Our Associates - we have created an environment by committing to ensuring happy, healthy, fulfilling lives. 3. Support Communities – we prioritize Health, education, and equality are key drivers in the communities we work in. 4. Trust Good choices - We have always trusted in the power of good governance, and we remain committed to making choices that..? We have already invested in solar installations across most of our plants, and we have an installed capacity of 13.5 MW of renewable power. The Group has also made investments in a Renewable Energy company as we continue to push the boundaries here. You may read our 2022 Sustainability report here :
    Pledges for the year
    As a committed organization to the UN SGDs, we are actively working towards achieving the set targets for our 2025 sustainability Roadmap. In 2022, we committed to the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) and released our first ever Sustainability report and in 2023 we further strengthen our commitment through GRI reporting and releasing our second annual report on Sustainability.
    Social equity at your company
    At Hirdaramani, we initiated and developed our very own Employee Wellbeing programme “WOW” - Wonders of Wellbeing to empower employees to live “healthy, wealthy, happy and meaningful lives”. The program encompasses a holistic strategy that integrates well-being into the business’ agenda and culture. It’s based on five key pillars – psychological, relational, physiological, economic, and environmental – and includes a wide range of tools and initiatives to achieve measurable impact. WOW encompasses programs for employee wellbeing not just for the workplace but for their families and communities. Some of the key programs are free health programmes, training on better financial management, home gardening, and community gardening, strengthening community ties by providing support to the needs of the community. We have set ourselves some ambitious targets on gender equality to increase female representation across supervisory and management roles. Sri Lanka is home to very strict labour laws and these coupled with the requirements of our customers ensure that we have programs in place to protect both worker rights and employee earnings.
  • Sustainability Role in overall company's strategic plans
    Sustainability plays a significant role in Paparazzi Leather's overall strategic plan. It guides our decision-making processes and actions, ensuring that we operate in an environmentally responsible and socially conscious manner. By prioritizing sustainability, we aim to enhance our brand reputation, drive innovation, and contribute to a more sustainable future.
    Sustainability initiatives
    We have implemented several sustainability initiatives to reduce its environmental impact and promote ethical practices. These initiatives include Sustainable Material Sourcing, Waste Reduction, Supplier Engagement and Product Durability:.
    Pledges for the year
    We pledges to increase the use of sustainable materials to 20% in our handbag production, such as organic or recycled fabrics, and establish employee engagement programs to raise awareness about sustainability practices and encourage employee involvement in sustainability initiatives. Also to ollaborate with suppliers to develop shared sustainability goals and initiatives, encouraging them to adopt responsible practices and reduce their own environmental impact.
    Social equity at your company
    At Paparazzi Leather, pay equity is a priority, and the company ensures that employees receive equal pay for equal work and qualifications. This commitment to pay equity promotes fairness, inclusivity, and gender equality within the organization. Regular pay equity assessments are conducted to identify and address any disparities, ensuring that all employees are compensated fairly, regardless of their gender or other protected characteristics.
  • Sustainability initiatives
    - Abshiro Memorial Hospital(AMH) - Road construction - Community School transformation - Covid 19 awareness complaints and face mask distribution for the community - Donation of medical supplies to Butaura General Hospital
    Social equity at your company
    Desta cares about its employees and the communities in which it works. The company has implemented various initiatives to promote employee well-being and professional development. Additionally, Desta regularly participates in community service projects and supports local charities.  We aspire to employ people with disabilities and have made efforts to create an inclusive workplace environment. Furthermore, Desta is committed to reducing its environmental impact and has implemented sustainable practices in its operations. With women making up 90% of our workforce, we prioritize gender equality and provide opportunities for women to advance in their careers. Additionally, we believe in giving back to the community and regularly organize fundraising events for causes that align with our values.
  • Sustainability Role in overall company's strategic plans
    Sustainability is at the forefront of everything we do at Jointak starting with our raw material suppliers to our own internal processes. Our Eco principles are: Responsible product / Responsible supply chain and product life cycle / Responsible facility management.
    Sustainability initiatives
    By installing SOLAR PANELS and GAS TREATMENT UNITS at our plant in China over 8 years ago, we have achieved amazing results so far: Our solar panels produced 607 599.9 kWh of energy - equivalent to 216 tons of coal burned. The gas exhaust treatments reduced our emissions by 243 tons - equivalent to 84.1 tons of waste recycled.
    Pledges for the year
    We are constantly reviewing our work practices and the things in our control to reduce our impact on the environment. Through the use of vegetable-based inks for printing, more sustainable raw material options for labelling (e.g. recycled polyester, organic cotton etc.) and recycled plastics for injection moulding all help to minimise the impact our production facilities have on the environment. We endeavour to recycle as much of our production waste as possible. All paper offcuts from print production, metal castoff from the manufacture of tooling, yarn and other textile waste and even used fluorescent lighting tubes and batteries are all collected from our factory site by recycling companies who process the wastage and recirculate this back into industry.
    Social equity at your company
    Jointak is a proud member of SEDEX and SMETA which is providing audits and ensuring that standards of labour, health and safety, environmental performance, and ethics within our own operations and at our suppliers are met. It is designed to help protect workers from unsafe conditions, overwork, discrimination, low pay and forced labour.
  • Sustainability Role in overall company's strategic plans
    We promote sustainable fabrics and trims to our clients. Reducing waste at every stage of the process, For example, we control to cut the fabric as best reasonable as possible to reduce waste.
    Sustainability initiatives
    1. Reducing waste at every stage of the process 2.Send samples to our clients without using poly bag 3.Our factories are equipped with solar panels to save up to 25% of electricity
    Pledges for the year
    To reduce at least 30% waste in 2024
    Social equity at your company
    Making equality, diversity and inclusivity. Every workers have insurance guarantee, have nice dormitory. Increased the wages year by year
  • Sustainability Role in overall company's strategic plans
    It's our corporate philosophy.
    Sustainability initiatives
    Use sustainable hemp, organic cotton, and recycled poly.
    Pledges for the year
    We will continue to produce eco-friendly and sustainable products.
    Social equity at your company
    We have Fair Trade certification, charitable activities, and so on......
  • Sustainability Role in overall company's strategic plans
    We source yarn and accessories from sustainable units and have taken energy saving measures in our manufacturing unit
    Sustainability initiatives
    Developed a sustainability score system to evaluate manufacturing. Implementing it with all manufacturing units.
    Pledges for the year
    By next year we will have transparency on 100% sourcing materials with sustainability score
    Social equity at your company
    We get Sedex and BSCI audit done regularly and we're complying with global social standards.
  • Sustainability Role in overall company's strategic plans
    As forward thinkers we are always looking at new sustainability technology from our yarns to our production. We try to encourage our customers to think along the same lines.
    Sustainability initiatives
    GREEN ENERGY - • Energy reduction – solar panels to be installed to generate 50kw of electricity per hour - enough to generate power of two floors of lighting HARVESTING WATER - Plans to role out rain water harvesting for use in garment washing and finishing process as well as other areas of the business WASTE WTER REUSE- • Plans to utilise factory waste water from garment washing • The water will be treated and reused to wash cars and for gardening FLEXIBLE MOQS – Reduces over buying. We produce only what the customer requires to reduce clothing mountains SUSTAINABLE YARNS – We recommend and source sustainable yarns on behalf of the customer. We also recommend using local yarns to boost the country’s infrastructure and reduce carbon footprint. VIRTUAL SAMPLES – We are investing in the latest virtual technology to offer a 3D experience of samples to reduce the number of samples generated before selection. We are also hoping to role this out into production on our new machinery
    Pledges for the year
    HARVESTING WATER - Plans to role out rain water harvesting for use in garment washing and finishing process as well as other areas of the business WASTE WTER REUSE- • Plans to utilise factory waste water from garment washing • The water will be treated and reused to wash cars and for gardening VIRTUAL SAMPLES – We are investing in the latest virtual technology to offer a 3D experience of samples to reduce the number of samples generated before selection. We are also hoping to role this out into production on our new machinery
    Social equity at your company
    We are certified for the following which keeps our workers safe: SEDEX ACCORD-RECOGNISED BSCI RCS GRS GOTS OCS RWS ICS HIGG FEM
91 Results