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  • Sustainability Role in overall company's strategic plans
    Moving towards all aspects of sustainability routes within our control
    Sustainability initiatives
    Fabric- BCI/ Organic Garment dye routes- Tea dye (natural dyes) Packaging- Paper bags Embellishments- Biodegradable
    Pledges for the year
    Tea dye to be 25% of our portfolio.
    Social equity at your company
  • Sustainability Role in overall company's strategic plans
    Leather, as a by-product of the meat industry prevents the skins otherwise going to landfill
    Sustainability initiatives
    Many of the tanneries that we work with are audited by the Leather Working Group (LWG)
  • Sustainability Role in overall company's strategic plans
    The core of our brand is to research and develop sustainable products from under-valued waste streams.
    Sustainability initiatives
    We upcycle fallen palm leaves that are often burned in order to reduce farm waste. We upgrade this waste material and create products for responsible living.
    Social equity at your company
    We reduce farm waste by upgrading it and provide extra income for the farmers who have these palm plantations.
  • Sustainability Role in overall company's strategic plans
    It is a key role in our company, since 2018 we have been working on the sustainability of raw materials and the CSR of the entire supply Chain
    Sustainability initiatives
    All our manufacturing must have the corresponding organic and recycled certifications and be able to provide traceability from the origin of the spinning
    Pledges for the year
    In reference to cellulosic fibers, we have a commitment to use the most sustainable within Canopy Green hot button report
    Social equity at your company
    Our company is run by women, the staff is 70% women and we have a code of conduct respecting all ideas, orientations and differences as an essential right of workers.
  • Sustainability Role in overall company's strategic plans
    The last 12 to 15 years, customers demand for more sustainable business practices made us realize that sustainability is strategic and crucial to all decision we take as company. We proudly confirm that sustainability is major to everyday decisions and plans across all supply chain and through all production tiers.
    Sustainability initiatives
    1. Basf x Athos Pallas Premium, Transparent Traceable Greek Cotton initiative: A complete management of clothing products from Greek cotton through Greek partners hitting areas of transparency/traceability (blockchain tech) sustainability (from farming practices to manufacturing practices all partners follow the same sustainable protocol) with focus on carbon emission footprint and water usage. 2. Transparency webtool: In-house developed tool where customers via unique usernames and passwords access the platform and can view the details to all their orders currently running into production (Who is handling them, where, when etc)in real time. 3. More than half of the electricity used in our supply chain facilities comes from renewable sources , eg. photovoltaic energy.
    Pledges for the year
    One pledge we hope to achieve would be to be recognized among brands and production partners as an honest sustainable partner focusing on quality and transparency. We would like to maintain, increase and promote the great reputation of Greece and specifically north Greece on the textile industry.
    Social equity at your company
    Athos Pallas has introduced and implemented the 3 different tiers of audits across all supply chain all based either on ETI code of conduct or the BSCI code of conduct. Beside the above mentioned, the initiative of Athos Pallas over the years is to establish quarterly, in person, meetings with managers and technologists of all units of our production chain. We have discovered that the most important element when working with people is to build people-to-people relations with the supply chain. Aiming to increase the trust which, from our perspective, is the most important element when working with people.
  • Sustainability Role in overall company's strategic plans
    V.FRAAS has fully owned operations in Germany & China. Our factories are ISO certified and environmentally friendly with the key mission of sustainability. We are proud to offer Made in Germany goods with beautiful craftsmanship and locally sourced yarns. Our product offers Öeko-Tex Standard 100 certification, GRS, Woolmark, SFA and many more in the pipeline. Our capabilities are in woven accessories, woven blankets, prints and various knitted products.
    Sustainability initiatives
    Since 2018, at V.FRAAS we've developed key new qualities and construction focusing on our sustainability mission. We are proud to promote our exclusive Cashmink now offers CO2 neutral guarantee in collaboration with Climate Partner. We are also proud to endorse our new recycled Cashmink qualities which come with GRS certification. These yarns create a perfect product which helps us to bring sustainable pieces to consumers whilst maintaining the super soft hand feel.
    Pledges for the year
    We are planning to replace majority of acrylic yarns with GRS certified yarns by 2025-26.
    Social equity at your company
    We are proud to promote our both production are SMETA certified and we carry out social audits done annually.
  • Sustainability Role in overall company's strategic plans
    Sustainability play a one of the most important roles in our strategic, we are working internally in sustainability culture and also working with our partnerships in terms of care of planet resources and social responsibilities
    Sustainability initiatives
    Our main commitment it´s with our team, in terms of equity and quality of life. Also we have been working in new developments that could guarantee less natural resuroces using and fair payments to all supply chain.
  • Sustainability Role in overall company's strategic plans
    We are doing Sustainable Products with 15% of our Products are now sustainable Products
    Sustainability initiatives
    Cotton Fibers, Viscose Fibers were sourced under sustainable
    Pledges for the year
    We would like to increase the % of usage of sustainable fibers
    Social equity at your company
    We strictly follow all compliance rules to our employees
  • Sustainability Role in overall company's strategic plans
    Sustainability plays a major role in Sublimation Print UK way of working. Below is a list of how we are incorporating the strategy into our company: - We are working with new suppliers that supply and manufacture recycled sea plastic fabric. - We have access to a huge variety of recycled garment blanks suitable for printing and garment decoration
    Sustainability initiatives
    We have joined The Higg Index, which is an apparel and footwear industry self-assessment standard to rate environmental and social sustainability throughout the supply chain.
  • Sustainability Role in overall company's strategic plans
    Lives works with an environmental management system that strongly commits to environmental protection and sustainable development to be able to fulfill this commitment we follow 6 fundamental principles. - First, ensure the protection of the environment by working respectfully and reducing the impact we make as a consequence of the activities that we develop. - We also ensure to meet the current environmental legal requirements, standards, and provisions. - As part of our fundamental principles, we implement a system of environmental management that allow us to organize a structure establishing goals and objectives aimed at sustainable environmental improvements. - We are also committed to sensitizing and educating our collaborators promoting their environmental training and encouraging active participation including suggestions for improvement. - We want to maintain and strengthen the relationship with our collaborators, suppliers, and customers extending to them our commitment to the environment to promote sustainability - The last part of our fundamental principles is to advocate this policy to all workers suppliers visitors and interested parties
    Sustainability initiatives
    In order to maintain an ecological balance Lives works with several nonprofit organizations that give a second life to materials we don’t longer use and otherwise would be discarded. Among them, Ayudando Abrigando recycles plastic to turn them into blankets, socks, and ponchos to then donate to extremely poor populations. Aldeas infantiles SOS is another nonprofit that gathers paper that is later recycled and sold to feed children. Traperos de Emaus a charitable organization makes use of our used furniture, chairs, and artifacts that are donated to people in need. Lastly, we also work with ANIQUEM a nonprofit organization that collects electrical waste and electronic equipment and through proper management of recycled waste can co-finance de rehabilitation of child burn survivors. We are also working on reducing our water and electricity intake in hopes of decreasing our greenhouse gas emissions. As part of this initiative, we made a change in our lights from conventional lights to LED lights in 2020 this modification has made an impact on our electricity consumption. To decrease water consumption, we adjusted the pipes changing them to pipes with moving sensors achieving a reduction of 8.09% which is expected to increase to more than 10% in the following year. Lives is also working with the Global Organic Textile Standard or GOTS which aims to ensure that the manufacture of organic textiles is environmentally and socially responsible. We have already been certified annually since 2020 and look forward to renewing the certification by the end of this year.
    Pledges for the year
    In order to maintain our commitment to environmental protection we are working on achieving several goals between them is completing the certification of Huella de carbono Peru, a program made by the environment ministry of Peru that aims to officially recognize the effort made by the public and private companies to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) working with this program is going to help us not only acknowledge our GHGs but also help neutralize them. Lives have also been working on a self-assessment of the Higgs index, which helps us measure our value chain of sustainability however we look forward to initiating an audit where these points could be evaluated and certified to ensure our impact on sustainable developments over the next year.
    Social equity at your company
    To have a good work environment and ensure that there is social equity, Lives harness various policies in different areas: ethics and social responsibility, environment, security, and recruitment, among others. The purpose of these policies is to maintain an environment of respect in which all our employers can work without conflicts. An important part of these policies is aimed at the prevention of sexual harassment, which Lives is committed to preventing, investigating, or punishing who may compel. Regarding health, we have policies for the use of personal protective equipment and occupational safety, in which we accept both suggestions from the employers themselves and legal regulations to maintain a safe work environment. In addition to this, we have vacation leave policies that are highly respected, as well as working hours to comply with the labor rights of each employee. At Lives, we provide job opportunities regardless of gender, and our policies regarding discrimination are executed in all areas. We also make donations to the community to be more involve and promote social equity.
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