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Welcome to the Source Fashion Content Hub

Dive into the range of videos, reports and articles covering unique industry insights and updates on relevant trends in sustainability and sourcing. Scroll through our eight dedicated content pillars or check out our Retail 100 Intelligence Series.

Recorded in partnership with Retail 100 in our Source studios, our ‘Intelligence Series’ are designed to provide valuable insights and practical tips to help you navigate the dynamic world of fashion sourcing.

View all content Retail 100 Series

Consumer Behaviour

Supply Chain

Global Trends

New Voices / Big Interviews




Podcasts (coming soon)


Reports (coming soon)

Retail 100 Intelligence Series

Recorded in partnership with Retail 100 in our Source studios, our ‘Intelligence Series’ are designed to provide valuable insights and practical tips to help you navigate the dynamic world of fashion sourcing.

Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting out, dive in, explore, and be inspired by the wealth of knowledge.

Retail 100 Series

All Content

Source Fashion articles are written by a collaboration of our partners, guest writers and the Source Fashion team, so you can stay up to date with the most recent news, guidance, and perspectives informed by industry professionals.
